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Multi-award-winning organic olive oil - harvested by hand

OEL 500 ml - mit Geschenkbanderole "Knorke" - Bio Natives Olivenöl Extra

Sale price€17,00(€34,00/l)

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➤ Geschenkedition mit Banderole: "Dit find ick knorke!" (Berlinerisch für "fabelhaft")
➤ Natives Olivenöl Extra aus Griechenland
➤ Bio-Anbau
➤ Sortenrein: 100 % Koroneiki Oliven
➤ Kalt extrahiert (<  27° C)
➤ Säuregehalt < 0,5%
➤ Geschmack nach frischem Gras, Nüssen und Zitrusfrüchten
➤ 1/2 Liter im recyclebaren Weißblechkanister (BPA non intent)

Ein hervorragendes Olivenöl erster Güteklasse.
Die Koroneiki Oliven für OEL stammen aus unserem eigenen Olivenhain in Andania sowie aus den Hainen von Ilias, der die hochmoderne Ölmühle von Andania betreibt. Alle Oliven für OEL werden in bäuerlicher Bio-Landwirtschaft angebaut und per Hand geerntet. Das schont Flora und Fauna.
Das Olivenöl wird in Ilias' Ölmühle kalt extrahiert und sofort unter Luftabschluss in Edelstahltanks gefüllt.

Die Banderole wird flach dazu geliefert. Sie hat einen komfortablen Klebestreifen zur Anbringung.

our promise

We harvest the olives for our OEL by hand. No birds die.

Excellent quality

Awarded twelve prizes at the most important olive oil competitions in the world.

London International Olive Oil Competition 2020

1x silver – 2x bronze

Athena International Olive Oil Competition 2020

1x silver

EVO International Olive Oil Contest 2020

1x silver

Berlin Global Olive Oil Awards 2020

2x bronze

Our history

Amadeus was just 23 years old.

Amadeus Soterios Tzamouranis, Greek on his father's side, born in Berlin, founded OEL at the age of 23.

OEL builds a bridge from Berlin to Greece, from Amadeus to his family, especially to Grandma Anthoula, whose olive grove started it all.

Between Berlin and Greece...

Amadeus is usually on the phone or tirelessly visiting our customers.
But in autumn and winter you will definitely find him with his family and his trees in Kalamata.
There he cares for and nurtures the olive grove, actively helps with the harvest, supports the production of our pure extra virgin olive oil in the oil mill and is always on the lookout for innovative olive products.

And why in the canister?

Since Amadeus' family consists not only of olive farmers, but also of fourth-generation artists, it is clear that good things from OEL also look good - and bring back fond memories, like our black tin canisters .

These not only protect the content optimally. They are also easy to recycle. (Tinplate packaging has a recycling rate of over 90%.!)
Or you can do it like the Greeks and use the empty OEL canister
to the flower pot.

frequently asked Questions

Comparison of OEL, A! and olive oil from the supermarket

What makes OEL so special?

OEL Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil is more expensive than olive oil from the supermarket. We'll show you why here:




Supermarket olive oil

Organic certification



Yes No

Olive variety



Not known, mostly a blend


Native Extra

Native Extra

From extra virgin to sophisticated


From organic farmers in Andania

From farmers in Andania

Origin not traceable