Diese herzhafte Biscotti-Version mit Oliven und Olivenpaste kann man zu jeder Gelegenheit servieren. Vorbereitungszeit: 15 Min. | Backzeit: 50 Min. | Ergiebigkeit: 12-14 Biscotti ZUTATEN: 2 Ta...

Castagnaccio is an Italian classic made with chestnut flour from Tuscany; a delicious treat topped with raisins, pine nuts, rosemary and of course olive oil. This gluten-free and vegan recipe is b...

A heavenly dip made from baked eggplant and red pepper. Even people who don't like the consistency of eggplant like it. The red pepper and garlic give the dip a special flavor. It goes great with ...

Recipe for the Greek Easter braid Tsoureki
Tsoureki is the delicate and aromatic Greek Easter braid. He will fill the house with the scent of mastic and mahaleb. Although this recipe is traditionally made with butter, it has been complete...